Mainstreaming Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment into Ghana’s Development Efforts
The National Gender Policy was developed in 2015. The Ministry has commenced the process for reviewing the Policy. The National Gender Policy was developed to mainstream gender equality and Women’s Empowerment into Ghana’s
development efforts and in response to the 2030 Agenda.
A strategy for addressing Adolescent Strategy in Ghana from 2018 to 2022 is in place. This strategy provides direction for interventions to address all unwanted and mistimed pregnancies among adolescents to enable them to realize their full
potential in the development process.
Ghana reviewed its Action Plan on UNSCR 1325 on Women, Peace and Security ‘GHANAP 1325’ and has subsequently developed GHANAP 2 (2020- 2025) for implementation.The National Strategic Framework on Ending Child Marriage in Ghana (2017-2026) has been developed. The strategy is to help end child marriage in Ghana and consequently ensure the educational and career advancement of girls who otherwise would have dropped out of school as a result of Child marriage
The growth of internet users in Ghana is largely attributed to more affordable smartphones and mobile data plans.
Policy Commitment Values Area

a. Chapter 3.2 Issues Identified Through National Consultation: 22. Access to science and technology
i. Gender gap exists in science and technology, digital knowledge and skills. The challenge is how to bridge the gap to include women’s needs and strategic interests in the establishment of a digital knowledge-based society.“
b. Chapter 5.2.1 (6): Access to basic services and infrastructure
i. Promote ICT friendly environment for all in schools, workplaces, homes, social centres among others particularly for women.“
c. March 11, 2023: Apparently the Ministry will revise and update the National Gender Policy
i. This update will also incorporate current developmental trends including Information Communication Technology (ICT) and the promotion of women as innovators and entrepreneurs in the policy.“ (